• 人材规范:有德 有才 有方针

    用人理念:同等 关爱 协调 尊敬 晋升


  • 林频仪器是中国情况尝试装备行业中独一的股分制高新手艺企业,是中国抢先的情况尝试装备制作商和靠得住性情况尝试金狮贵宾会 综合办事商,具备中国最大的情况尝试装备出产基地,客户遍布环球40多个国度和地域。林频仪器现已成长成为情况尝试装备范畴的龙头企业。


  • 步入式非标尝试室,助力中国航天


  • 摹拟天然工况,为科研奇迹保驾护航


  • 情况尝试箱,为教导单元添砖加瓦

    林频与各所百年老校已有多年协作经历,两边收成的不只仅是好处,另有友谊与打动,林频在此祝愿一切不厌其烦的教员们“诚润桃李满天下 勤育英才泽神州”!


■ 林频是中国情况尝试装备行业中独一的股分制高新手艺企业,是中国抢先的情况尝试装备制作商和靠得住性情况尝试金狮贵宾会 综合办事商,具备中国最大的情况尝试装备出产基地,客户遍布环球40多个国度和地域。林频仪器现已成长成为情况尝试装备范畴的龙头企业。
■ 凭仗立异的产物、高效的供给链和壮大的计谋履行力,林频仪器克意为环球用户打造优良、宁静、环保的产物及专业高效的办事。
■ 林频产物系列包含:温湿度尝试箱、轮回尝试箱、光照尝试箱、宾至如归显网址 、澳门贵宾会 、IP防护尝试装备、金狮子贵宾会 、整车阳光摹拟尝试室、    汽车排放尝试室、温湿度振动三综合尝试箱、非标定制产物等全系列情况尝试装备。
■ 对峙对科研的投入,打造差别化的产物。林频仪器产物的品质、设想和机能屡获殊荣,广受用户好评。产物荣获多项软件著述权及国度手艺专利,将靠得住性、易用性和适用性完美连系,全方位知足用户的尝试须要。
■ 一流的研发团队由经历丰硕、手艺高深的行业资深专家构成,公司在北京、上海设有产物研发中间,并与上海交通大学成立了计谋协作火伴干系。
■ 林频设有海内奇迹部,并在上海、北京、广州、沈阳、武汉、郑州、西安、深圳、青岛、厦门等地设有分公司或办事处,成立了完美的发卖收集和售后办事系统。
我司专业出产产物有:金狮子贵宾会宾至如归 / 高美狮会员注册 / 金狮贵宾会大厅 / 美狮会员注册 / 美狮会员注册 / 金狮贵宾会app342 /  紧密枯燥箱/ 真空烘箱/ 温度澳门贵宾会 / 药品不变尝试箱/ 臭氧宾至如归显网址 / 紫外耐候尝试箱/ 氙灯耐天气尝试箱/ 换气式宾至如归显网址 / 砂尘尝试箱/ 箱式金狮贵宾会app342 /  美狮贵宾会登录入口 / 香港金狮会员 / 金狮会员登录 / 美狮贵宾会快充值中心 /  金狮贵宾会的网址 / 盐雾尝试室/ 大型步入式尝试箱/ 温度老化尝试室/ 温湿度振动尝试箱/ 温度疾速变更尝试箱/ 单翼金狮快速充值中心 / 金狮会员登录 同时我厂还能够按照客户须要设想非标产物,接待泛博新老客户前来公司洽商、指点!

我公司诚征各地代办署理商,接待各地人士来电征询!天下收费办事热线:4000 662 888


公司前台 会 议 室 装备展厅

Located in Minhang Economic & Technological Development Zone of Shanghai Science & Technology Industrial Base of China, Shanghai Linpin Instruments Co., Ltd. is a new & hi-tech shareholding enterprise that integrates environmental test facility's R&D, production and marketing. Through many years' market competitions and striving efforts, Linpin Instruments now has developed into one of the leading enterprises in the field of environmental test facility.

Relying on comprehensive talents and science & technology resources of renowned colleges, Linpin Instruments has established strategic cooperative partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, whose Cryogenics and Test Center possess the world's leading and domestic first-class inspection techniques, cryogenics inspection equipment and instruments. In terms of cryogenic material's physical characteristics and cryogenic adiabatic technology, it owns the most advanced techniques, calculation software and research methods in China. This initiates Linpin Instruments' leading position in high-end environmental test facility technology. This initiates Linpin Instruments' leading position in high-end environmental test facility technology, and opens a new chapter for the all-round cooperation of both sides in terms of personnel training, hi-tech R&D and transformation of scientific achievements etc.

As an enterprise responsible for society, environment and safety, the company has initially built ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System, ISO14001:2004 Environmental Management System and GB/T28001-2001 Occupation & Health Safety Management System in their industries. Besides, it adheres to the operation principle of "quality-based survival and quality-based development, moderate price and considerate service", comprehensively implements the sunny service concept of "considering customer-related matters and handling customer-related issues", sets up various branches or offices in the key central cities of China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Taiyuan, Shenzhen, Qingdao and Xiamen etc., and prevails all over the country based on Shanghai.

Focusing on brand awareness and management, the company wins the market by relying on the brand of "Linpin" with outstanding achievements. It owns the largest exhibition hall of model machine, first-class manufacturing equipment, testing technologies, advanced anti-static coating workshop and various equipments such as multiple-step numerical control press, bending machine, plate shearing machine and turning lathe etc., which ensures the environmental test facilities to be produced with exquisite technologies and stable performance. Besides, they possess the patent for the invention of various product technologies and software copyrights. Countless customers have come to the company for investigations and signed orders with the company. Its comprehensive strength and profitability was ranked the forefront of the industry.

The brilliant glory belongs to history while the prosperous future belongs to developers. By adhering to the brand development strategies and maintaining the company's core competition, Linpin people will continue to wholeheartedly serve vast customers based on "first-class technologies, products and services". Linpin instruments will occupy a leading place in the pantheon of instruments all over the world, pursues constant innovations, maintains continuous progress, and shares the glory of cloning technological environment.

We offer such professional products: salt spray test chamber, sulfur dioxide test chamber, high and low temperature test chamber, temperature shock test chamber, constant temperature and humidity test chamber, high and low temperature alternating temperature humidity test chamber, UV weather resistance test chamber, xenon lamp weather resistance test chamber, air ventilation climatic test chamber, sand and dust test chamber, box rain test chamber, pipe rain test device, drip box, ozone climatic test chamber, mould test chamber, precise drying test chamber, vacuum oven, large step-into test chamber, medicine stability test chamber and vibrating table. In addition, we also design non-standard products as per the demand of customers. Welcome to talk business with us and give your precious advice!

We are recruiting agents everywhere. If interested, please call us on our national free line:4000 662 888.